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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Our Family Central Command Station - A Family Communication & Homework Center

This year we decided we needed a better way of communicating and organizing our family.  With four kids all involved in activities and at three different schools we needed a way to organize our life.  In our home as you come up the stairs but before you enter my work area or the game room there is this empty space.  It's about the size of a breakfast room and I figured this would be the perfect place for our Family Central Command Center...

This is the before, I used this area to store and extra t.v. and some boxes filled with props, it was a catch all, basically a dumping site. It needed attention and it needed it bad.

So, I headed off to Ikea.  I love that Ikea is so budget friendly.  I got two small desk tops at $5.99 each, eight desk legs at $3.50 each, two wire bars at $4.99 each, three wire baskets at $2.99 each (only used 2), the package of metal hooks were $1.99 for 10, the white metal hanging file was $9.99 and the metal magnetic board was I believe $12.99.  Then I got the white dry erase board, large calendar and week at a glance dry erase at Office Depot.  The closet maid 9 square shelf came from Walmart and I believe it was $40.00 give or take.

A few things that I still want to add is a chore list, an area to pick up lunch money and a spot to list the daily chores.  I'm still working on that part.  Oh and a shopping list, see each kid has their own bathroom basket (maybe I am a little OCD) with all their OWN personal hygiene items (deodorant, soap, sponge, tooth paste, etc) and a centralized shopping list will help me know what everyone needs before I head to the store.  Because, I am so tired of hearing, "ah, you went to the store? I was going to tell you today I am out of toothpaste". 

And low and behold, what do we have high school junior sitting here doing homework tonight.  I think this was a success!


Renee said...

Love it! I need to think of a space where I can do this. With three kids they get kind o scattered and it is always hard to keep necessary supplies together. I did not know Ikea was so cheap.

Melissa said...

I DID NOT KNOW you could buy IKEA desk tops and legs separate that way...?? Thanks so much for sharing!!!